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Selected for their recognized skills and their professional legitimacy, their prices in the market average and their trustworthyness, our partners are mostly certified and involve themselves in planning and results.


  • For garden, pool and cleaning, House Angels prefers reliable local partners, avalaible in case of a punctual concern.


  • For building purposes, from study to implementation, Azur Building calls on three certificated master builders whose one has proved more than 20 years of expert assessment and experience in surrounding area.


  • For unexpected or repair works, we call on local craftsmen, self-employed or members of a company, depending on how various the works are onto site an the context in which they are achieved.


  • For your property purchasing or selling if you choose that option, we support you at any step of your project.


Referenced through our community artists incubator, sculptors, painters, drawers, photographers and designers to create inside and outside bespoke furnishing and decorating creations or simply purchase directly their masterpieces.

Copyright 2017 - Houses Angels      Photos credit : David Huguenin   •   France No Siret 753 478 536 000 18  

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